
Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Beginning

Hello folks,

Chris French here at Modern Midwest Entertainment. This is my new blog. I must say, I've never really blogged before. I bet you're thinking, "What?! In this day and age, with the Internet being the biggest source of information on the planet, you've never just sat down and typed your thoughts and feelings into the blogosphere?!" Well, it's true. I never really thought about blogging until now. Up until a few years ago, to me, a blog was a purple, billowing ghostlike creature that I saw in a Doctor Seuss book when I was a kid.

I just decided to look at Wikipedia for the word Blog and came up with this article the size of my arm! Wow! I didn't know that blogs have been around THAT long. . .

Well, since you're here, you need to go take a look at the page of the band 4 Stroke! This is the first band that is managed by Modern Midwest Entertainment, and I'm going to do what I can to get them to the heights of the music industry. We're in our infancy stages right now, but as with any good baby, you need to feed it, care for it and love it, and it will grow. There's a few other bands that I'm giving thought to right now as well. There's a jazz/progressive band out of Kalamazoo called Ordijnns, but when I tried to look up their website (which I WOULD HAVE linked here) they didn't exsist. Weird. Another band I'm looking at is a progressive rock band out of Battle Creek called King of the Forest. I listened to some of their work, THEY are GOOD!

Well folks, that's about it for me for now. I have to get some things done around the house today, and I think I'm out of food, so a trip to the grocery store is in order. Keep smiling, keep loving life, and keep reaching for that next doughnut, because you never want to run out of doughnuts! :-D


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