
Friday, February 17, 2012

Writing: Stress Relief or Stress Inducer?

Hi again gang!

Chris French here from Modern Midwest Entertainment! Now, you're probably looking at the title of this post and thinking to yourself, "What does he mean by THAT?" Well, let me tell you. For the last decade or so, I have started various writing projects, only to put them on the shelf. After a few years, I'll dust them off, take a gander at them and start working on them again, only to put them back on the shelf AGAIN! Each time I take those projects off the shelf and start working on them, I feel a bit stressed. It doesn't come from the creation process, because I LOVE creating new and exciting stuff. It comes from the thought of starting, only to once again stop. I would love to have a published novel on the shelf, but at this rate, it won't happen until I'm dead. . .or even later.

Over the course of the past few weeks, I've been taking a class on Media Publishing and Distribution. I have found a rather renewed interest in all the ideas floating around in my head! I never realized (nor did I look into) all the ways I could get my material out to the masses! Even though I'm going to write under a pen name (don't ask, I'm not telling), I will finally be able to realize one of my dreams, that of becoming a published author!

Some of the resources that I plan on putting to use in this quest (albeit, a side quest to everything else I'm currently doing), will include self-publishing with either Trafford Publishing or Tate Publishing. I am going to utilize an English major at one of the local colleges near here to proofread my work. I will also contact a few literary agents to see if they may see potential in my work. I am quite excited about the possibility of getting one of the ideas from inside my head out on paper. I have a lot of work to do to get there, but I'm up to the challenge! Well, gang, see you on the back covers!


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