
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Internet. . .Good for Everything That Ails Ya. . .Except Dating.

Hey gang!

Chris French here from Modern Midwest Entertainment! Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to say one thing. THANK GOD I have a girlfriend! I met my girlfriend back in November of last year (2011) through a mutual friend. I didn't have to go to one of those dating sites to find her, we found each other the old fashioned way, through a blind hookup! Heh.

Anyway, I keep getting emails about this one particular dating site and I got to thinking. These sites (even the free ones) must be making MILLIONS of dollars off of folks who decided to "give it a try", or folks that are just too busy to go out into the world and try to find someone in person. In looking at this particular site, I was AMAZED how many people out there are searching for love. With all the advances in modern technology, this little corner of the entertainment world has become very very huge. I call it entertainment because, what do you do on a date? Try to be entertaining! Exactly.

So, anyway, a closing thought: Next time you're on a dating site, stop. Flip the switch of your computer to off, get your wallet, or purse and keys, go down to the local entertainment venue, and try something outside of your comfort zone. . .talk to people! :-) You'll be amazed at the results!

Talk to ya again soon!


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