
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Come to Michigan. . .Make a Movie!

Hey folks, Chris French here from Modern Midwest Entertainment! Say, are you making a movie? Well, I think you should, because movies are cool! I also think that if you're going to make a movie, you should make it here in Michigan!! I just looked up the Michigan Film Office website and the state IS STILL offering tax incentives for companies wanting to make movies here.

Think about it, in 2007, Michigan took in 2 million dollars of revenue from films. In 2009, thanks to the film incentives, Michigan took in over 227 million dollars! Think about what that means for what Michigan is paying OUT in incentives!

Of course, with any program, there are rules. Here's a few for Michigan's movie tax incentive program:

  • Minimum spend of at least $50,000 in Michigan to be eligible.
  • Up To 40% refundable tax credit, across the board on Michigan expenditures.
  • Claim an extra 2% if filming in one of the 136 Core Communities in Michigan.
  • Labor and Crew: Up To 40%-42% Resident Below the Line. Up To 40%-42% Above the Line regardless of residency. Up To 30% Non-resident Below the Line.
  • $2 million salary cap per employee per production. There is no other cap and no sunset.
  • All applicants can expect a 4 week review process once all materials have been received.
  • Must spend at least $500,000 annually in Michigan to be eligible for an interactive web site project.
So, now that you know a little bit about that, go to the Michigan Film Office's website, check it out and go make a movie!!

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